• Duration:46 minutes and 19 seconds
  • Date:2020/07/11
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
An introduction to automatic detection technology, sensor principles and measurement circuits produced by Tongji University. Automatic detection technology is a comprehensive technology developed on the basis of the use, development, and production of instruments. It is also an important branch of automation science and technology. In this tutorial, we will learn the relevant knowledge of automatic detection technology.
Automatic detection technology is an important branch of automation science and technology. It is a comprehensive technology developed on the basis of the use, development, and production of instruments.
Automatic detection is carried out and completed automatically without any or only minimal manual intervention during the measurement and inspection process. Implementing automatic detection can improve the level and degree of automation, reduce human interference factors and human errors, and improve the reliability and operating efficiency of the production process or equipment.
1. Automatic detection tasks:
There are two main types of automatic detection tasks. One is to directly measure and display the measured parameters to tell people or other systems about the changes in the measured objects, that is, generally speaking, automatic detection or Automatic testing; second, it is used as the front-end system of the automatic control system to make corresponding control decisions and implement automatic control based on changes in parameters.
2. The main research contents of automatic detection technology:
The main research contents of automatic detection technology include measurement principles, measurement methods, measurement systems, and data processing.
3. Measurement system:
After determining the measurement principle and method of the measurement, it is necessary to design or select a device to form a measurement system. There are mainly two types: analog and digital.
1) Analog measurement system
The analog measurement system is composed of sensors, signal conditioners, display, recording devices and/or output devices.
2) Digital measurement system
The digital measurement system is composed of peripheral equipment such as sensors, signal conditioners, input interfaces, central processing unit components, output interfaces, and display records.
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