The course aims to explain how MOS transistors work and how to model them. The knowledge provided in this course is essential not only for device modelers, but also for designers of high-performance circuits.
It was fine last night, but when I turned on the power this morning, the screen started flickering, especially when loading JPG and BMP photos. I re-plugged the hardware interface and tried several or
[size=4]Windows, Linux, Mac, which one are you using? Or do you use a virtual machine to make a dual system? [/size] [size=4] [/size] [size=4][color=#ff0000]Which system is better in your opinion? :pu
Today I suddenly remembered a post I saw in the forum a long time ago, which was explained by teacher [url=home.php?mod=spaceuid=41670]@maychang[/url], but I couldn’t find the original post after sear
Yesterday I wrote a small program using Delphi to control the rotation of an image at any angle.Next, we are going to combine it with the accelerometer. Let's see the effect first, hahaThe picture is
void main(){ port_init(); while(1) { if( ((PINCSET ) == 0x00)((PINCSET)== 0x00)) { flag_set = 1; } if( flag_set == 1 ) { PORTD = 0xff; }}}I set a global variable flag when pressing the keyWhy is PD hi