I wrote a clock design based on STC89C52RC, DS1302 and 8-bit common cathode digital tube, but now when I press the key to adjust the time (hour, minute, second), the tenth digit does not carry, that i
[i=s]This post was last edited by dcexpert on 2016-4-13 15:10[/i] [postbg]bg3.png[/postbg]The Cannon development board is a popular Bluetooth development board recently. It is XXXXX (XX is omitted her
I cannot install Ware and Grace from the App Center. It’s been three days, and every time I try to install it, an error occurs halfway through. The error is always the same (PS: all antivirus and fire
FPGA and SJA1000 use SN74ALVC164245 for level conversion. AD0-AD7 of SJA1000 is connected to 1B1-1B8 of SN74ALVC164245, and 1DIR controls the direction. ALE, CS, WR, RD, and MODE of SJA1000 are connec
Chapter 2 Principles of ADC and DAC 1. Conversion Principle Digital quantity is represented by combining codes according to digits. For weighted codes, each code has a certain bit weight. In order to