Home > Audio/Video Circuits > Microphone amplifier and recording circuit

Microphone amplifier and recording circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:李商隐身 Keywords: line BSP socket Updated: 2020/02/19

8. Microphone amplification and recording<strong>circuit</strong>.gif

Microphone amplifier and recording circuit

Shown is the microphone signal amplification and recording circuit. When the sound signal of the microphone is to be recorded, the output signal of the microphone is
amplified by the microphone signal amplifier and then sent to the recording signal processing circuit (digital signal processing circuit) through the line input socket . The microphone signal amplifier is
composed of two-stage operational amplifiers (U3B and U3A). The operational amplifier amplifies the microphone signal to a sufficient level before sending it to the recording circuit.
    When it is necessary to record the audio signal of an external audio device, the audio signal input by the external audio device (also known as the line output signal LINE) is sent to the recording circuit
through the line input socket . When the line input signal plug is inserted , the microphone signal channel is automatically cut off. The microphone signal can only be recorded after the plug is unplugged.




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