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  • Multi-core processor architecture and multi-core software
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  • Duration:9 minutes and 25 seconds
  • Date:2019/11/06
  • Uploader:老白菜
keywords: Embedded CPU RTOS
An embedded system is a special computer system that tailors the software and hardware according to the needs of the application to meet customized requirements; it is a product of the combination of advanced computer technology, semiconductor technology, electronic technology and specific applications in various industries. With the development of semiconductor technology, Moore's Law will continue to be effective within ten years, which indicates that the integration level of chips will be further improved; while performance is improved, chip area and price are also continuously reduced. This further expands the application scope of embedded systems, and almost all products can integrate chips. This phenomenon is called "Disappearing Computer", which means that embedded systems will be ubiquitous. .
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