In November 2019, watch the video and win prizes The complexity of designing high-performance power systems increases year by year. Using reliable design methods to achieve high-performance power conversion is key to first-time success. Learn about new technologies for EMI reduction, thermal modeling, PCB layout, DC-DC design, and implementing AC-DC front-ends. Show real cases and discuss with you. At this event, industry experts Vicor application engineers bring you new technologies. Will help you identify common design pitfalls when designing high-performance power systems and put you on the path to success.
[i=s]This post was last edited by IC Crawler on 2022-7-5 00:07[/i]The schematic design of the OpenMV module based on ESP32S3 has been initially completed.
Functional modules: camera, silicon microphon
[i=s]This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 03:27[/i] I see that everyone is very enthusiastic about the car... Let me share another one[align=center][color=#000000][font=黑体][size=16pt]Abs
/***********************************************Program description: P3.4 and P3.5 of the MCU are used as serial ports to receive characters and send out the received characters* and light up LED1, LE
I want to work in the hardware field, but I don't know what directions there are and what knowledge I need. Can anyone who knows introduce me to it? Do you know any websites related to hardware techno
This paper introduces the application of full-digital AC servo drive in the automatic cutting control system of aluminum-plastic pipe. Through the system composed of programmable controller, touch scr