• Duration:16 minutes and 32 seconds
  • Date:2019/09/20
  • Uploader:EE大学堂
I have observed a lot of video websites. Some videos mainly show off their own products and do not introduce the research and development process and content; some videos talk about analog circuits and digital circuits and talk about it on paper. Occasionally I see videos of repairing circuit boards, and the number of views increases sharply, which shows that everyone is really interested in hardware; however, fewer young people nowadays are learning about hardware. The main reason is that there are too many types, too much investment, and too long time; without leadership and guidance, self-study is basically unrealistic; in order to help everyone and avoid detours, I launched a "practical video" to let everyone start from scratch and watch Learn how an instrument or product is made. Realize everyone’s engineer dream of combining software and hardware.
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