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  • AI Bird's Eye View-Perception
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  • Duration:10 minutes and 6 seconds
  • Date:2019/09/23
  • Uploader:木犯001号
keywords: Machine Vision cv
This course is a youth AI self-improvement project - computer vision course. The main organizers, speakers, and participants are all students, solving practical problems for students: bridging the gap between "technical novices" and "teachers think you understand" The gap between "textbook" and "practice" is bridged, and the problem that general academic articles/resources are difficult to read is solved. This course mainly consists of 8 lectures and 1 transformation challenge task. The lectures are held every other week. Each lecture will use easy-to-understand language to guide everyone to master AI-related knowledge points, including AI bird's-eye view and advanced guide, introduction to machine learning, classic neural networks, deep neural networks, convolutional neural networks, classification tasks, and detection tasks. , examples and parameter adjustment methods, and finally lead everyone to practice through transformation challenge tasks, etc.

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