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  • Persimmon Tutorial 4
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  • Duration:15 minutes and 30 seconds
  • Date:2019/07/05
  • Uploader:Fillmore

Persimmon is a set of graphical user component interfaces running on the RT-Thread embedded real-time operating system, used to provide user interaction with graphical interfaces.

It is written in C++ language and is based on the underlying graphics pixel engine implemented in C language. It provides controls, windows, signal/slot, gesture animation and other mechanisms for upper-layer applications. In order to improve UI development flexibility and reduce user development time and costs, Persimmon provides a WYSIWYG UI designer. Users can easily implement UI interface design through the designer, and use JavaScript scripts to control the interface logic.

Come with me to get started and play more new tricks~

This tutorial will take you through PersimmonUI

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