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  • Unlocking the next generation of ADAS technology - MCU
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  • Duration:32 minutes and 20 seconds
  • Date:2019/06/13
  • Uploader:hi5
Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, and intelligent cars will be an inevitable trend in the future. ADAS, or Advanced Driving Assistance System, is the only way to make cars intelligent. It uses sensor technologies such as millimeter wave radar and cameras to sense the environment around the car body and collect data, and perform systematic calculations and analysis to predict possible dangers and improve Car driving comfort and safety. With the country's attention and technological breakthroughs, the demand for ADAS systems is expected to develop rapidly in the future. Datong Live Platform will help you unlock the new generation of ADAS technology. Technology experts from Shiping Group will provide you with an in-depth analysis of ADAS technology solutions, and senior technical experts will answer your questions!
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