Full coverage of IoT, automobiles, and AI - Shiping Group, NXP solution showcase

Full coverage of IoT, automobiles, and AI - Shiping Group, NXP solution showcase

carInternet of ThingsADASNXP

As the world's leading leader in secure connection technology for embedded applications, NXP continues to promote innovation in smart and secure interconnected application markets such as connected cars and IoT terminals. Shiping Group is a member of Dalianda Holdings, the world's number one and the largest semiconductor component distributor in the Asia-Pacific region. Shiping Group's agent products support a variety of application fields, from 3C to industrial electronics and automotive electronics; the product portfolio covers everything from basics to core components, in order to meet customers' diverse needs for semiconductor component procurement. NXP Semiconductors is one of the core brands represented by Shiping Group. In this NXP solution show, netizens can see 5 exciting DEMO demonstrations based on the fields of Internet of Things, automobiles and AI. After watching, they can also participate in the activity of answering questions and winning gifts. Why not come soon?

Total of 5 lessons27 minutes and 16 seconds

Seminar: Datong helps you unlock the next generation of ADAS technology

Seminar: Datong helps you unlock the next generation of ADAS technology

carradarADASMillimeter wave

Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, and intelligent cars will be an inevitable trend in the future. ADAS, or Advanced Driving Assistance System, is the only way to make cars intelligent. It uses sensor technologies such as millimeter wave radar and cameras to sense the environment around the car body and collect data, and perform systematic calculations and analysis to predict possible dangers and improve Car driving comfort and safety. With the country's attention and technological breakthroughs, the demand for ADAS systems is expected to develop rapidly in the future. Datong Live Platform will help you unlock the new generation of ADAS technology. Technology experts from Shiping Group will provide you with an in-depth analysis of ADAS technology solutions, and senior technical experts will answer your questions!

Total of 2 lessons1 hours and 18 seconds

Live replay: WPI & TI - Application of ultra-low power MCU in touch and intelligent industrial gateways

Live replay: WPI & TI - Application of ultra-low power MCU in touch and intelligent industrial gateways

OFMCUtouchUltra low power consumption

Main content 1. TI MSP430FR series product introduction: focusing on the MSP430FR touch chip model; 2. TI MSP432 series product introduction: focusing on the MSP432E series; 3. TI MSP430 touch button solution introduction.

Total of 12 lessons1 hours and 6 minutes and 35 seconds




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