• Duration:46 minutes and 51 seconds
  • Date:2018/07/05
  • Uploader:老白菜
keywords: tcp ip
TCP/IP protocol is the abbreviation of Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The Chinese translation is Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, also known as network communication protocol. It is the most basic protocol of the Internet and the basis of the Internet international network. It is composed of IP at the network layer. The protocol and transport layer are composed of the TCP protocol.
TCP/IP defines standards for how electronic devices connect to the Internet and how data is transferred between them. The protocol adopts a 4-layer hierarchical structure, and each layer calls the protocol provided by the next layer to complete its own needs. In layman's terms: TCP is responsible for discovering transmission problems, sending a signal when there is a problem, and requiring retransmission until all data is safely and correctly transmitted to the destination. IP assigns an address to every networking device on the Internet.
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