• Duration:4 minutes and 58 seconds
  • Date:2018/07/02
  • Uploader:老白菜

Since the release of ROS, its development and spread have been very rapid. ROS has become the most widely used robot software platform in the field of robotics, with an increasing number of community members and users.

Through this course, you will learn to use the robot operating system ROS. You will understand its communication methods, engineering structure, common commands and tools; you will use our specially developed simulation environment---the Chinese Academy of Sciences Software Museum and XBot Robot; you Robots will be used for mapping, positioning and navigation; you will learn how to write ROS programs and write robot programs. From zero basics to mastering the use and development of ROS, this course aims to provide introductory teaching materials and technical reference for students in related majors, robotics enthusiasts, and robotics researchers.

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