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  • Duration:2 minutes and 10 seconds
  • Date:2015/05/20
  • Uploader:chenyy
keywords: FPGA SoC Xilinx Zynq

The Zynq series is the industry's first scalable processing platform launched by Xilinx, designed to provide the required processing and computing performance levels for high-end embedded applications such as video surveillance, automotive driver assistance, and factory automation.

Cases include: Zynq-based visual industrial IoT, 500fps video application running on Zynq, Zynq MPSoC-based debugger and tracker, DAVE embedded system matrix multiplication HLS IP, Xylon face detection demonstration, iVeia company demonstration Canny edge Detection IP, ADI DDS HLS IP, Zynq-based advanced driver assistance system (ADAS), Xilinx solution demonstration at the SPS Driver conference, Zynq SoC-based 3rd-order TNPC, high-speed image processing and object safety recognition, FPGA-based CPS demonstration Xilinx solutions, plug-and-play computer vision solutions, Zynq-based low-risk soft-defined application development, Airbus smart tool demonstrations, Zynq-based cloud experience and Zynq-based personal identity recognition systems were demonstrated at the conference.

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