Seminar: Microcontroller programming is no longer difficult, use MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) to achieve rapid development

Seminar: Microcontroller programming is no longer difficult, use MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) to achieve rapid development

MicrochipMicrocontrollerMPLABCode Configurator

Do you have many product prototypes in mind, but are unable to quickly verify them? In the early stages of product design, are you still worried about microcontroller programming and PCB board design? Microchip provides you with the most intuitive code development tool - MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC), which allows you to easily generate code in a graphical programming environment, and cooperates with the Curiosity Nano development board to achieve product function verification, helping you to achieve the fastest Verify design ideas at the fastest speed and prepare for product mass production with the most relaxed attitude. This seminar will comprehensively introduce this development tool that is loved by embedded designers, allowing you to understand how MCC can easily start development work and quickly generate application code, thus shortening the product development cycle and ultimately ensuring that the product can be launched as soon as possible.

Total of 4 lessons1 hours and 29 minutes and 19 seconds

MPLAB Code Configurator Experiment 5: Configuring ADC and FVR

MPLAB Code Configurator Experiment 5: Configuring ADC and FVR

MicrochipADCMPLABCode Configurator

MPLAB Code Configurator Experiment 5: Configuring ADC and FVR

Total of 1 lessons11 minutes and 24 seconds

MPLAB Code Configurator Lab 2

MPLAB Code Configurator Lab 2

MicrochipMPLABCode Configurator

Based on the previous experiment, we will continue to introduce how to configure TimerO so that the LED flashes when it overflows.

Total of 1 lessons6 minutes and 36 seconds

MPLAB® Code Configurator Introduction and Experiment 1

MPLAB® Code Configurator Introduction and Experiment 1

MicrochipMPLABCode Configurator

Introduce the Microchip MPLAB tool and installation steps, and demonstrate a small experiment.

Total of 1 lessons10 minutes and 47 seconds




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