Live replay: Advantages and applications of ADI’s new generation high-impedance input SAR ADC

Live replay: Advantages and applications of ADI’s new generation high-impedance input SAR ADC


This article introduces the design guidelines for the SAR ADC front-end driver and RC filter, then introduces the SAR ADC design of ADI's new generation high-impedance input front-end, and then uses LTspice simulation to verify the comparison between high-impedance input and traditional input modes. This input high-impedance technology simplifies driver design, broadens the selection of ADC drivers, reduces the power consumption and size of the overall signal chain, and thereby helps solve the system-level technical challenges of precision data acquisition systems.

Total of 1 lessons41 minutes and 44 seconds

STM32F7 online training (OLT)

STM32F7 online training (OLT)


ST official stm32f7 online video tutorial

Total of 51 lessons7 hours and 55 minutes and 3 seconds

Low-speed ADC hardware trio

Low-speed ADC hardware trio

ADCWheatstone bridgecompensateexcitation

Hardware trio low-speed ADC video tutorial

Total of 10 lessons1 hours and 52 minutes and 48 seconds

Basic Tutorial: Analog-to-Digital Converter

Basic Tutorial: Analog-to-Digital Converter

ADCNAMEAnalog-to-digital converter

The basic knowledge of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) will be introduced, including the basic ADC architecture, understanding ADC errors, how to read ADC data sheets, and how to choose an appropriate ADC.

Total of 1 lessons38 minutes and 9 seconds

MPLAB Code Configurator Experiment 5: Configuring ADC and FVR

MPLAB Code Configurator Experiment 5: Configuring ADC and FVR

MicrochipADCMPLABCode Configurator

MPLAB Code Configurator Experiment 5: Configuring ADC and FVR

Total of 1 lessons11 minutes and 24 seconds

Achieve 101dB SNR with LTC2379-18

Achieve 101dB SNR with LTC2379-18


Successive approximation register-based analog-to-digital converters are important components in instrumentation, industrial control, and test equipment applications. Its accuracy, noise, and speed often determine overall system performance.

Total of 1 lessons5 minutes and 47 seconds




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