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Domestic automotive chip manufacturers I have contacted

Latest update time:2023-06-20

A considerable part of my work in the past year has been related to domestic chips. As someone who focuses on domestic chips, I have communicated with almost 780 domestic chip companies one after another, and I get to know a new chip company every three working days on average. But compared to the current total of 170,000 chip companies registered in the country, it is really appropriate to describe it as a drop in the bucket. On the one hand, I only focus on automotive chips. On the other hand, the total volume of automotive chips in the chip industry is also very low.

Attached to the end of the article
China's top 100 semiconductor companies selected by the Semiconductor Investment Alliance in 2022
The 100 outstanding IC design companies selected by the 2022 China IC Leadership Summit

According to the usual classification of automotive chips, they are generally divided into seven categories of chips, namely computing, control, analog/power/drive, communication, sensor, power, and storage . I have more or less come into contact with these types of chip companies, but since I personally focus on the fields of new energy and electricity, my understanding of these chip companies may be relatively one-sided, and my understanding only represents my personal understanding. Let me briefly share what I know about these companies that I have contacted.


Computing chips

The first is the computing category, indispensable for the light of domestic products - Horizon and Xinchi. Then there are Black Sesame, Huawei HiSilicon, Jiefa, and Rockchip . These are the companies that I have come into contact with or that my colleagues have come into contact with, especially Horizon, which already has a certain share of low-end smart driving products, which is very powerful, and the current J5 , which has 128Tops computing power, can literally To compete with half the computing power of Orin , many Tier1 and OEMs are already carrying out verification, such as
Golden veins, ideals and so on. In addition , Xinchi also launched the combination of G9 \ These products really seize the market opportunity. There are also Black Sesame's A1000 , A1000Pro , and A2000 that have also reached the 200Tops level. As for the real effect, I don't know. I don't know much about smart driving controllers and need to learn more.

Of course, there is also the national light above the light of domestic products - Huawei MDC610/810. Through Huawei's self-developed controller, it is equipped with its own full-stack self-developed perception control and other application layer software. Judging from some promotional videos, The effect is explosive, a solid first echelon. But it's not cheap either.
The above are just companies that I have been in contact with or heard a lot about, and they are not exhaustive. I will not comment on some companies that I have heard about but don’t understand at all. Personally, I understand that computing chips are not very popular in the entire domestic chip industry. There are not many big fish in the ponds of smart driving, cockpit, and Internet connectivity. But from my point of view, this thing is currently high investment and low return, especially in the field of high-end smart driving. Although smart driving has been very popular, the adoption rate is too low. And chips are something with a strong scale effect. If the quantity is small, the cost will not come down.


Control chips

Control chips, from the order of my personal contact, I will briefly list a few, Xinchi, Jiefa, Xinwangwei, Xiaohua, Zhixin, Yuntu, Qixinwei, Suzhou Guoxin, Ziguang Xineng, Xinxin Hai, Jihai, Yuxin, National Technology, Haowei, BYD, Hunan Jinxin , a total of 16 companies. These are just some that I have personally contacted and communicated with, and there may be some that I have missed (some large companies are expanding their MCU business, but there are too many materials that cannot be found). Let’s make some summaries of some of the most impressive ones.

Ziguang Xinneng - Starting from the high-end, Ziguang Xinneng should be the first high-end MCU to be launched in mass production. The configuration is extremely luxurious, THA6510, 5 pairs of lock-step cores, 10M Flash, Asil-D is simply a high-end mid-range MCU. The ceiling is a bit more powerful than Infineon's TC387 in terms of parameters. It's just that there are some differences between his RISC-V-based instruction set and the ARM instruction set. It requires a little extra investment in the tool chain, and awesome hardware always comes with a high cost.

At present, Ziguang's latest plan is also based on ARM core, and dual-core and triple-core products are about to be launched. We also know that international giants are also cooperating with Ziguang. For an international giant Tier1 that is strongly tied to Infineon, , being able to cooperate with domestic chips also shows that our domestic chips are getting better and better.

Xinchi - Xinchi is the first domestic MCU manufacturer to launch high-end MCUs using ARM cores. Asil-D and lock-step cores are basically the tickets for high-end MCUs, but due to process and technology reasons, Flash is not built-in, which can be regarded as a small regret at present, but again, to seize the market opportunity, Xinchi has done it. This year, some projects should be launched one after another and start shipping.

Qixin Micro - Then there is Qixin Micro. Qixin Micro is the third manufacturer I know that provides high-end MCU samples. Currently, its Tyrannosaurus series FC7300 has started sending samples at the beginning of this year. It’s just that the current 7300 does not have a GTM module or SD-ADC, so it is not friendly to motor controllers and engine controllers. But in the field of regional controllers, BMS, and VCU, from my personal understanding, they are very suitable for design. As one of the three startup companies from the original NXP Suzhou MCU team, Qixin Micro is undoubtedly ahead of the three brothers. After all, from my personal understanding, the market is so big, and whoever seizes the opportunity first will win half the battle.

苏州国芯 ——这家公司在我写这段话之前还没面对面交流过,只看了该公司的介绍文件。成立于2001年,算是一家老公司了。按照介绍资料显示,在二十年的耕耘里,已经实现累计上亿颗的应用。量产经验是相当的丰富。他在车规序列推出的产品也是基于ARM指令集架构的MCU芯片,在其第二代芯片出来的时候,算法上对标英飞凌的TC275,看着也是很厉害了,只是还没有达到高端MCU通常的门槛,那就是功能安全Asil-D等级。
舆芯 ——舆芯半导体可能听过的人不多,一家初创公司,专注于高端MCU设计,目前开发的产品主要对标英飞凌的TC3xx,Roadmap也是2024年初提供样品,看起来是不是平平无奇,跟古天乐一样。但是他们最大的优势就是提供基于FPGA搭建的模型验证板,能够快速帮开发者验证自己的算法模型,等到样片出来的时候直接进行移植就好了,所以虽然没有占据样品先发的优势,但是通过这种方式弥补了进度上的缺陷。也算是直击用户痛点,帮用户解决了项目进度的问题。

芯旺微 ——芯旺微则是所有国产芯片里面最独特的存在,毕竟创造一种新的独有的MCU功夫内核,是我个人觉得真真切切有里程碑的意义,虽然也是借助了一下ARM的指令集衍生出来的。而且芯旺微的优势就是车规芯片占比较大,目前在很多中低端的应用中有相当部分的市场份额,还算是很成功的。去年8月份有幸去过上海芯旺微的总部交流过一次,当然他们目前也是有中高端产品的Roadmap的。




这个领域的厂家极其的多,尤其是当涉及到电源的话,从LDO、DCDC、PMIC、SBC外加一些带看门狗或者收发器的light SBC等,厂家众多。还有各种驱动,包括应用在底盘,发动机,转向,安全气囊,LED背光,电机驱动,电池管理,空调等等领域,简直是纷繁复杂,品类众多。不过这里一大半我都没接触过,也没有啥能力去进行点评,只是对我接触过的一些公司情况进行说明吧。
这一类别的公司先简单说几个, 矽力杰,纳芯微,思瑞浦,杰华特,旋智,比亚迪,芯海,极海, 南芯 ,苏州智芯,国网智芯,泽芯微,华润微,钰泰,韬润,川土微,中科赛飞,宏翼芯,希荻微,瓴芯,芯必达、荣湃、中电科xx所、奕泰微、贝岭 。一共25家这类别的公司吧,当然肯定是远远不止的,只是我目前只搜集到这些个。
矽力杰 ——首先是矽力杰,规模很大,深耕模拟器件,尤其是电源领域。各种规格的LDO芯片非常齐全,还有一些半桥驱动,LED驱动,音频放大器。包括即将推出的BMS AFE芯片和在开发中的一些高低边驱动产品,电机驱动,SBC芯片。可以说是能够解决相当一部分比例的模拟器件需求。

纳芯微 ——其次是纳芯微,这家公司规模比矽力杰稍微少点,但是在隔离器件领域和传感器领域,目前在国内算是第一梯队,尤其是隔离驱动这块。以至于很多其他国产芯片公司过来推广的时候说:我们对标NXP和纳芯微。为什么我要先写矽力杰跟纳芯微呢,因为他们确实有很多车规级的料号,布局也比较早。从公开的材料里面可以看到他有这些解决方案。

旋智 ——然后是旋智,这家公司很小,但是可以用短小精悍来形容,我个人觉得这家公司的产品定位很好,在杀得火热的国产芯片公司中发现了一个既热门又少有人涉足的方面。老板是从以前的仙童出来的,专注于电机驱动领域,尤其是其推出的SPD1179,直接对英飞凌的TLE9877/9,ELMOS的E523.05形成替换。这玩意可以应用于电子水泵、油泵,无刷风扇,鼓风机,车窗,尾门,雨刷等场景。虽然芯片单个价值不高,但是在单台车中,具有很高的搭载潜力。从销售端了解到,目前他们的产品应该是已经在三花,德昌,超力等比较大的Tier1厂家中进行搭载验证,可能现在已经量产了。最近一段时间已经没有太了解了。

另外还有适配于EPB、EPS、One Box的三项驱动芯片,在底盘这类安全领域的涉足是一个非常不容易的尝试,至少在一定程度上会打破英飞凌,博世,ST在这块的垄断。

思瑞浦 ——作为一家注册地在苏州但是办公都在上海的公司,也是一家传统的比较牛逼的电源公司,跟矽力杰一样,他在消费电子等领域靠着吃TI的市场,2021年的营收超过13亿,总的来说体量还不错。目前在车规电子领域,电源类的产品也比较多,另外还有一些运放,比较器,不过反而是他的CAN收发器我比较感兴趣。抗ESD的电压如果没记错,应该是直接干到15kV,可以直接省掉端口的那个TVS了。

比亚迪 ——再就是比亚迪,这个是一个非常特殊的存在,作为一家由OEM厂孵化出来的公司,得益于本身自己的控制器全自研策略,在芯片自研领域可以说是有得天独厚的优势,毕竟当前新能源汽车最大的需求方是自己的母公司。比亚迪在模拟器件领域比较吸引我的是他的BMS AFE芯片,毕竟他是国内第一家量产AFE芯片的公司,为什么量产AFE芯片我印象这么深刻呢?是因为除了量产AFE芯片,他还推出了一个类似我上一篇文章中提到的BJB芯片,关键是他的那个芯片功能更加炸裂。集成了BMS中除MCU以外的所有功能,而这些功能的集成能够极大的降低BMS的整体成本,算是一种颠覆性的变化。从我个人的观点来看,他这个要是做出来,直接将国内BMS解决方案的先进性提升为国际领先水平。

华润微 ——下一个是中国的半导体巨头——华润微电子,本身他的背后华润集团就是很传奇的存在,华润微本身规模也做的非常大,在模拟器件,功率器件非常庞大,是国内少有的正儿八经的IDM企业,整个产业链都整合了。


在模拟芯片领域,尤其是一些smart driver,可能涉及到一些特殊工艺,这个是非常依赖于晶圆的制造工艺,而华润微有自己的晶圆厂,这点是具有得天独厚优势的,就看华润微是否愿意在这个赛道多投入了。

南芯半导体 ——南芯这家公司总体规模算是很大的,在消费电子以及PC市场有很大的份额,但是涉足汽车芯片领域是从2020年开始的,算是比较晚的,所以在2022年过来给我们推广的时候大多数芯片仅停留在PPT阶段。不过现在看来如果计划没变的话,这些规划都差不多实现了。我觉得南芯选的赛道很好。为什么这么觉得呢?

因为虽然南芯虽然绕不开模拟器件入门的DCDC,他还选了目前直到现在国内依然很缺乏的smart driver这个领域,包括HSD以及E-fuse。从我这个芯片外行的角度来看,LSD与HSD连数据手册中的芯片框图都那么简单,为什么国内就是没有呢?后来才知道这个跟晶圆厂的工艺也很相关,而这些工艺并不是中芯国际或者台积电能搞定的,而是在那些国际芯片巨头自己手上的那些晶圆厂里面才能搞定。具体是什么工艺呢?我也不知道,我听人跟我讲过两次,但是太抽象了,完全不理解,讲完就忘了。


瓴芯 ——这家公司是我写的这些印象深刻的公司里面唯一没见过他们原厂或者代理的公司。只是因为某巨头用了他们的产品,所以我觉得他们的产品应该不错。主要是我比较相信巨头。抛开所有模拟器件厂都是做的DCDC、LDO、LED驱动之外,他们还有这个行业最缺的高低边驱动,H桥驱动,SBC芯片。并且目前已经推出了4通道的HSD芯片。这个后面抽空肯定是要见一下。毕竟能进巨头的供应体系,难度还是相当大的。

荣湃 ——荣湃是我工作以来接触的第一家国产芯片公司,在2019年的时候他们就过来给我们推广他们的数字隔离器,从专利技术各方面给我们讲述他们的器件是怎么比TI的更优秀,当时完全被感动了,想着原来中国有这么牛逼的芯片公司了。后来等我们的BMS有新项目的时候就果断导入了荣湃的数字隔离器,直到现在我们的项目也依然还在使用他们的隔离器。但是今年重新了解了一下,他们基于隔离器件又开发了很多其他产品。

上海贝岭 ——应该是隶属于华大集团旗下的模拟器件公司,目前看起来在电机驱动,数据转换,电源管理,功率器件,接口芯片等领域都有一些布局。公司规模也比较大,成立的时间也长。在消费电子的积淀是有利于其在汽车电子行业的推广。我向来都是这么理解的。他的产品序列如下:

中科赛飞、鸿翼芯 ——最后再来说说广州的模拟器件双雄,这两家原则上来说都是属于初创公司。但是从目前我们的一些交流和合作来看,他们是瞄准了模拟驱动类器件中最难啃的一些硬骨头。中科赛飞是从大湾区集成电路研究院中分出来的,鸿翼芯的创始人以前在ST负责模拟器件的开发。这两家公司目前推出和研发的产品重点专注于底盘、动力、发动机、电机控制领域的驱动芯片。包括电机控制器的隔离驱动,转向控制的电机驱动,ST的SBC L9788的竞品。这一类的器件都是站在模拟器件顶端的存在,目前在国内确实还没有第二家敢公开对外宣称自己在从事这些个领域的芯片开发,或者如果有简单的宣传,只是计划中而已。并且鸿翼芯的老板属于极具激情的老板,在很多半导体产业相关的一些会议上,积极宣传自己的产品。5月初武汉菱电的销售总监过来找我的时候说上个月他在俄罗斯出差的时候,俄罗斯那边的客户问他能不能帮忙买到一家到KK的公司的芯片,后来了解清楚,原来就是鸿翼芯,因为老板的名字叫郑琨琨。能够宣传到国际上,这效果还是相当的炸裂。




芯力特 ——2021年开始缺芯的时候,NXP的TJA1145、TJA1043、TJA1044之类的简直就是缺货的重灾区。如果没有记错,当时在长沙的芯力特应该是国内唯一一家有替代品可以提供的厂家,快速占领了国产收发器这个领域。虽然那个时候他的产品应该没有按照完整的车规级流程来做。今年年初看到新闻芯力特被韦尔集团收购了,对于一家产品类型单一的芯片公司。我个人感觉是很好的一条出路,并且从目前看,芯力特依然是作为一个独立的品牌在运营。今年上海车展的时候见过芯力特的张文杰博世,对于目前这种情况,芯力特可以重新借助于母集团的影响力,在上下游产业链争取到更多的资源,也能借助母集团的质量管理体系进一步提升自己产品的竞争力。


川土微 ——说实话这家公司我没有直接交流过,是兄弟公司的同事跟我讲的。为什么放在这个细分市场第二位,是因为他们是我听过的第二家有CAN/LIN收发器的公司。他们车规的收发器也在2022年和2023年都陆续量产了。包括TJA1042、TJA1044、TJA1021、TJA1043、TJA1145这几款芯片的竞品。
思瑞浦 ——上面也提到了,思瑞浦目前在CAN收发器做的与众不同的一点就是他的端口防护电压直接提升到控制器DV测试的端口电压水平,可以直接不用增加TVS就能实现ESD的防护。这么看来至少用料上是很足的。思瑞浦的料也在今年年初的时候实现量产了,也通过了目前收发器公认的权威认证,C&S和IBEE认证。

另外了解到纳芯微、韦尔、 矽力杰也都在做收发器。但是个人感觉国产芯片的搭载窗口机会期相对来说比较短,如果在前期国内的OEM和Tier1已经导入了国产替代的收发器,作为后来者,对于一款降价幅度不大,功能也没有颠覆性的新入行者,其实很难说服客户从一家国产芯片切换为另一家国产芯片。毕竟在缺芯之前,全球的芯片巨头里,做这类芯片的也只有NXP、TI、Microchip、英飞凌这几家(可能有其他的我不知道)。并且NXP一家独大很多年,直到最近几年TI靠价格和靠NXP吃不下的单才有所变化。



慷智 ——主要专注高速视频传输AHDL,智能视觉ADAS、 AI驾驶及智能汽车视觉芯片解决方案。目前他们的前期产品主要是在AHDL高速视频传输领域,并且已经有推出来成熟的产品了。应用领域更是囊括HUD、仪表主机,各种尺寸的主机显示屏,高清摄像头等等。
景略 ——一家位于上海的公司,公司规模在300人左右,此前主要在工业领域。目前在车规领域的布局有PHY、Switch、Serdes。并且在去年年底交流的时候,公司已经有推出100Base-T1的车载PHY了。并且千兆的PHY目前应该也是已经量产了。Switch的产品也是内部集成千兆的以太网接口,只是我没有太多接触过网关类的产品,不是很理解这个技术成就的重要度。如果有需要,各位可以自己跟他们的销售人员对接,他们的销售技术水平很不错。


传感器类的芯片公司接触我个人接触的并不多,主要是 纳芯微,中电科集团的各种所,申矽凌、比亚迪 以及个别专用领域的传感器例如电机控制器内部的电流传感器。在接触这些国产半导体公司之前,一直理解的传感器类芯片都是有类似MEMS的微动结构,然而现实也确实是这样,这类的芯片难度还是蛮大的。
纳芯微 ——英文名是NOVOSENSE,除了前面提到他在隔离驱动领域的成果之外,看名称也知道,这家公司成立的最初是做传感器的。而且发展了这么多年,在汽车领域的传感器积累现在也是非常丰富。在汽车电子领域的传感器芯片包括压力传感器,联电的VCU8.1中也是使用了纳芯微的大气压力传感器。还有温湿度传感器,磁传感器,包括一些ABS的轮速传感器,磁角度传感器等。以上仅仅只是在车规级的一些传感器距离,其余工业或者消费电子上的传感器品类,就更多了。目前从我接触这些公司来说,传感器类的IC应该是纳芯微做的最多最全的。当然可能还有一些我没怎么接触过的公司。

比亚迪 ——作为竞争对手,不得不说。比亚迪的悖论经营是非常的牛逼,一方面专注于汽车,但是其经营范围之广,广到差点把比亚迪半导体都做到上市了。比亚迪在汽车的传感器领域产品也是非常丰富。

霍尔传感器领域,有电流电压传感器,有压力温度传感器,还有位置、角度、速度传感器,这个细分领域又涵盖了偏航率,曲轴位置,方向盘角度,制动踏板、离合器温度速度传感器, CHF 转向。 品类很多很全。 还有 CMOS 图像传感器,生物识别领域的指纹类传感器,和人脸识别模组。 总体来说有相当一部分是此前发动机领域的一些关键传感器芯片,目前可能除了中电科之外,少数在这块有布局的半导体公司吧。
中电科集团 ——一家超级无敌巨无霸集团公司,甚至连海康威视这种巨头,都只是他底下其中一个所的一个子公司而已。初次接触的时候简直目瞪口呆,实力相当雄厚。不太清楚底下具体有多少个所,但是看名称连四十五所都有。另外百度了一下这个集团下面的上市公司。不乏超级巨头。
And they also have lidar products, including 905nm semiconductor laser diodes and pulse laser chips. As the core components of lidar, this layout is really only possible for China Electronics Technology, which has deep pockets and strength.


Power chips

As a specially marked power semiconductor, it is included in the chip field. Only IGBT and SiC have this honor. I personally have seen a lot about power semiconductor chips, but to be honest, I don’t know much about them. However, due to the high unit price and broad prospects of this type of chips, from my personal point of view, it should be a subdivided chip field that is extremely involuted. There are almost 20 second- and third-generation semiconductor manufacturers that I have contacted. , I will only list the names.

CRRC Semiconductor, China Resources Micro, CETC 13, Silan Micro, Shenzhen Basic Semiconductor, BYD, Star Semiconductor, State Grid Intelligent Core, Shenzhen Guowei Third Generation Semiconductor, Core Energy, SMIC Shaoxing, Zhanxin, Core Neng, Anjian Technology, Sanan Optoelectronics, Jingneng Microelectronics, Jiejie Micro, and New Clean Energy . There is also a power semiconductor subsidiary incubated by Silijie, I can’t remember its name. At present, the leaders in this industry have found their own OEMs to cooperate with, but there are still many start-up companies still joining in.

Let me share with you some pictures. The first picture is an IGBT. The big one is the IGBT body, and the smaller one next to it is the diode. I was shocked when I saw it for the first time. I didn’t expect the size of the wafer to be so exaggerated. Calculated, a 6-inch wafer cannot produce several IGBT modules. I can understand why the price is high. And in order to reduce the on-resistance, it is integrated in a three-parallel manner, so generally speaking, an IGBT module contains 18 chips.

The second picture is modular SiC. The size of a single chip is generally 5mm*5mm. It is also integrated using parallel connection to reduce on-resistance. The picture shows an 8-parallel module. One module has a total of 48 SiC crystals. round. If the on-resistance of a single SiC can be made smaller in the future, it may be reduced to 6-pin or even 4-pin, and there should be some room for cost reduction.

The third is the T-pack packaging mode, which is currently the most widely used SiC device in the automotive field, because except for Tesla, the rest have not yet popularized this thing on a large scale. Tesla's electric drive is integrated using a 4-in-1 module. A total of 24 independent SiC devices are integrated into a single module, which requires very high welding requirements. If any piece is not welded properly, the entire module will be scrapped.

There are also some other packaged SiCs. I found some pictures on the Internet to show you.


Storage chips

There are very few applications of storage devices in the fields of new energy and electricity. I know even less about them. I only know about Flash, EEPROM, eMMC, and DRAM. Domestic automotive grade storage manufacturers include GigaDevice, Hefei Changxin, ISSI, Longsys, Spark Semiconductor, Deyi Microelectronics, Yangtze Memory, and Juchen Semiconductor. I have only come into contact with the above manufacturers, Juchen Semiconductor, and know a little more about them. The rest are learned from some public information.
GigaDevice Innovation - mainly focuses on the fields of NOR FLASH and NAND Flash. It has a very broad layout and a complete range of products. It ranks first in this field in China. Even before the big wave of domestic chip substitution, his presence was already very high.
Juchen Semiconductor - mainly in the EEPROM field, currently ranks third in the market segment, and the top two are ST and Microchip. Juchen's product categories cover almost all subdivided product series in different voltage ranges from 2Kb to 512Kb, different interface types, and different packages. Moreover, its wafer foundry for automotive products is also done by SMIC and Huahong. It can be regarded as a relatively complete coverage of the industrial chain in China. Starting from 2023, Juchen is also expanding its product lineup, and currently has some products launched in Nor Flash.
Shanghai Belling - There are some products on EEPROM, but the categories are not as good as Juchenquan
Ziguang Guoxin - mainly in DDR, currently has some products launched in DDR3 and DDR4, covering everything from 2Gb to 8Gb.

Deyi Microelectronics - one of the few domestic companies that launches automotive-grade EMMc memory chips.


The above is only the information I have learned about some chip manufacturers. Most of them are concentrated in the fields of new energy and electricity, so they can only account for the tip of the iceberg of domestic chip manufacturers. However, the opportunity for domestic chip companies has arrived. Under the premise of ensuring reliable quality and competitive price, domestic chips have become the first choice for most OEMs and Tier1.

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