Huawei P50: Using Qualcomm chip?
With the increasing popularity of 5G networks, many mobile phone manufacturers are now widely launching a large number of 5G mobile phones, and more and more people have begun to enjoy 5G networks. However, as the world gradually moves towards 5G, there are still many places that are not covered by 5G networks.
It is understood that recently, Qualcomm plans to build a 4G version of the Snapdragon 888 mobile platform. This will be aimed at some countries or regions where 5G networks are not covered, and it may also be for Huawei phones that are subject to US sanctions.
It is reported that the Huawei P50 series planned to be launched next month may adopt Qualcomm's 4G version of the Snapdragon 888 mobile platform, which may be called Snapdragon 888 LTE-only.
In fact, Huawei has launched a number of 4G mobile phones some time ago, including Huawei Mate40 Pro, Mate40E and nova8 Pro.
Among them, Huawei Mate40 Pro 4G and Mate40E 4G will all be pre-installed with the latest Harmony OS operating system. These Huawei 4G models are not much different from the previously released 5G models in terms of performance and configuration. Basically, the only difference is whether they support 5G networks.
At the same time, the 4G version is 400 yuan cheaper than the 5G version of the same model, and the nova 8 Pro 4G version is 300 yuan cheaper than the 5G version. In addition, the 4G versions of these models are pre-installed with the latest Hongmeng system, while the 5G versions need to wait for the system to be pushed.
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