New product recommendation | The world's smallest always starts with Rohm
*According to a Roma survey in October 2016
The smallest place in the world always starts from Roma
In recent years, with the development of high performance of various devices such as smartphones and tablets , the market demand for components is trending towards miniaturization, thinness, high precision and high reliability. Rohm has been actively promoting the miniaturization technology innovation of components by leveraging its original miniaturization technology, providing the world's smallest products such as resistors, transistors, diodes, tantalum capacitors and LEDs.
The RASMID series breaks the conventional wisdom of miniaturization
ROHM has positioned the world's smallest components, which have been miniaturized using a completely new process method that is completely different from conventional ones and boast an amazing dimensional accuracy (±10μm), as the RASMID (ROHM Advanced Smart MicroDevice) series, and is continuously expanding its product lineup.
RASMID Series Development Overview
The world's smallest 0201 size resistor on display
ROHM's world's smallest product lineup
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