Cypress ModusToolbox reduces IoT design complexity and supports third-party platform development processes such as Arm Mbed OS
Cypress Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ: CY) today announced that the ModusToolbox™ suite will support the entire device-to-cloud application development process supported by the industry’s leading open source IoT platforms. This major move will enable developers to bring differentiated IoT products to market more quickly.
Cypress has been working on the Arm® Mbed™ OS and Arm Pelion™ IoT platform for a long time, and has successfully built the first application development flow supported by the ModusToolbox™ suite in Cypress' IoT ecosystem.
The ModusToolbox suite provides developers with unprecedented flexibility in using industry-leading MCUs and IoT wireless connectivity devices. The suite also provides an open architecture that allows IoT developers to choose their preferred development environment. By integrating these elements, ModusToolbox seamlessly integrates the computing, connectivity, and cloud required to develop IoT applications, greatly reducing design complexity.
“Traditional semiconductor solutions focus only on the hardware layer, leaving the heavy lifting of the system and application layers to the designer,” said Sudhir Gopalswamy, executive vice president of Cypress’ Microcontroller and Connectivity Business Unit. “As a result, Cypress is shifting IoT solutions to a software-first mindset, which is clearly what designers at the forefront of innovation are looking for.”
Arm MbedOS is a free, open source operating system that helps developers develop networked devices with both security and connectivity. Integrating ModusToolbox with the operating system is an important move by Cypress to ensure that ModusToolbox is fully adaptable to various real-time operating systems (RTOS), compatible with open source systems and various cloud ecosystems. All development tools and processes can be used on hosts running Windows, Mac or Linux operating systems. Developers can experience Mbed through the Mbed CLI tool, online editor, Mbed Studio or export to the ModusToolbox integrated design environment (IDE).
“Developers are under tremendous pressure to ensure the quality and security of IoT devices as they scale deployment,” said Chris Porthouse, vice president and general manager of IoT device services at Arm. “The ModusToolbox suite with Arm Mbed seamlessly integrates Cypress MCUs, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices, providing developers with highly compatible cloud access.”
The latest version of the ModusToolbox suite, which supports Cypress’ PSoC 6 family of MCUs, the CYW43438 and CYW43012 Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® Combo chips, and the CYW20819 and CYW20820 Bluetooth MCUs, is available for download today.
About Cypress Modus Toolbox
Cypress' ModusToolbox suite provides best-in-class connectivity, computing, security and sensing capabilities in a single platform. It combines the rich design resources in the Cypress wireless resource library, the analog and digital peripheral resources of the PSoC® MCU, and the open source IDE environment based on Eclipse. The ModusToolbox suite supports MCUs designed specifically for the Internet of Things. It has unique hardware, supports real-time operating systems (RTOS) developed by different manufacturers, and security solutions based on multiple standards, laying a solid foundation for IoT design and has been verified by multiple cloud services. ModusToolbox combines different Cypress products and provides open interfaces for third-party solutions, allowing engineers to focus on developing high-value, differentiated products. To download the IDE, go to:
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