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What is component soldering and PCB layout?

Source: InternetPublisher:zht24 Keywords: components welding Updated: 2020/10/20

What is component welding? How does it relate to PCB layout? In electronic design, after the project schematic design is compiled and passed, PCB design needs to be carried out. PCB design first determines the board size, stack-up design, and overall partition concept, and then the first step of the design needs to be carried out: component layout.

Layout is a crucial aspect. The quality of the layout results directly affects the wiring effect, thereby affecting the entire design function. Therefore, reasonable and effective layout is the first step to successful PCB design. Let's take a look at the impact that chaotic PCB layout will have on component welding.

What is component soldering and PCB layout?

1. There is no positioning reference in the layout of the PCB design, the socket is placed in the center and is close to other components, the component surface has no process edges, the component coordinates are difficult to identify, the solder joints around the socket have the risk of failure, and the component surface cannot be inspected by AOI, etc. Various design flaws.

2. The inductor is placed on the soldering surface, and the parts will fall off during the second reflow soldering.

3. The connector spacing is too small and cannot be repaired.

4. The spacing between components is too small and there is a risk of short circuit.

5. If two components with larger thickness are arranged closely together, it will cause the placement machine to touch the previously mounted component when mounting the second component. The machine will detect the danger and cause the machine to automatically power off.

Place small components under large components. If there is a resistor under the digital tube, it will cause difficulty in repair. The digital tube must be disassembled first during repair, which may also cause damage to the digital tube. The above is an introduction to component welding and PCB layout.




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