A common-emitter transistor amplifier has an output signal in the opposite phase to the input signal, so it is also called an inverting amplifier. If this
circuit is used to amplify pulse signals, it also functions as an inverting amplification. Logically speaking, this circuit is a "Non-one circuit, that is, a "Non gate".
The picture shown is a NOT gate made of integrated circuits. The gate circuit, that is, the inverter, has the phase of the output signal opposite to that of the input. The input signal is a positive polarity pulse
and the output is a reverse polarity pulse.
The gate circuit is the basic unit circuit in the logic signal processing system. It has DTL type and TTL type . and C- MOS types. DTL is
the abbreviation of Diode Tranaistor Logic (diode transistor logic). TTL is the abbreviation of Transistor Transistor Logic (transistor transistor
logic). The difference between these two logic circuits is that the DTL circuit uses diodes as the input circuit. TTL uses transistors as input
circuits. C-MOS is the abbreviation of Complementary MetaJ Oxide Semiconductor. This circuit is mainly a logic circuit
composed of C- MOS field effect transistors .
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