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Analysis of the circuit principle of automatic feeding machine

Source: InternetPublisher:难得正经 Keywords: Controller Circuit Updated: 2024/08/07

The automatic feed feeder can feed the fish pond automatically, regularly and quantitatively, which greatly facilitates the fish pond users and reduces labor input.

The automatic feeding machine consists of a box, a feed hopper, a feeding electromagnet, a fan and a control box.

How it works

After adding feed into the feed hopper and turning on the machine, the fan will run at high speed, and the feeding electromagnet (traction electromagnet) will intermittently open the movable small door under the feed hopper, and the feed will fall onto the high-speed rotating fan blades and be thrown to the water surface a few meters in front of the feeder, completing the feeding of the fish. All of this (including the start-up time, feeding time, feeding amount, and interval time, etc.) is controlled by the controller.

See the attached figure for the controller circuit. After turning on the power switch, the 9V power supply after transformation and rectification is added to Q2 and ICI through the normally closed contact J1-1 of relay J1. Q2 is turned on, J2 is energized, and the fan is powered and runs at high speed. IC3 is also powered and works, and its ③ pins output high and low levels in turn. The interval time (1 second to 25 seconds) is adjusted by the adjustable resistor R7. Relay J3 is intermittently energized, and the feeding electromagnet intermittently pulls the small door under the feed hopper to feed. The longer the interval time, the less feed is input, and vice versa. It can be adjusted according to the number of fry and temperature.

After the power is turned on, the 9V voltage clears ICI through capacitor C and ICl's (12) pin, and Icl (CD4060) starts to work and start timing. The timing length is adjusted by the multi-pole switch.

When the feeding reaches the set time (adjustable from 15 to 60 minutes), the ③ pin of ICl outputs a high level, which is added to the base of Ql through R3, Q1 is turned on, and J1 is energized. The 9V power supply is added to IC2 through the normally open contact of JI-2. IC2 starts timing after being energized and reset, and ICl, IC3, the fan and the feeding electromagnet stop due to power failure. Due to the action of R5, Ql remains turned on, and only IC2 is timing at this time, and the whole machine is in standby mode.

After IC2 has finished timing the time set by the multi-pole switch (adjustable from 0 to 4 hours), its ③ foot outputs a high level, which is added to the base of Q3 through R8, Q3 is turned on, forcing the base voltage of Q1 to drop, Q1 is cut off, relay J1 loses power, J1's normally open contact is disconnected, and 9V power is added to ICl and IC3 again, and both are powered and start feeding again. This cycle works over and over again, thus completing the whole process of unattended feed delivery.





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