Medicine bottle assembly line counting circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:MartinFowler Keywords: Counting circuit BSP routing LED Updated: 2020/10/09
(1) Circuit working principle The automatic counter circuit consists of an infrared transmitting circuit, an infrared receiving and processing circuit, a voltage doubler rectifier circuit, a control
execution circuit and a counting display circuit, as shown in Figure 7-10.
The infrared emission circuit is composed of an infrared light-emitting diode LED 1, a resistor R~H, a diode VD1, a capacitor C{~G and a time base integrated circuit 1C1
The infrared receiving and processing circuit consists of infrared photosensitive transistor VT1, transistors VT2-VT4, and resistor R:-Ri. , capacitor 6~G, Zener
diodes VS1, VS2 and potentiometer RP.
The voltage doubler rectifier circuit consists of capacitor G. And Cl, diodes VD5 and VD6 and resistor crystal, composed of.
The control execution circuit consists of the time base integrated circuit ICZ and the resistor R. . , diode VD7, capacitor Cl2, light-emitting diode LE:D2 and relay
The counting display circuit adopts fluorescent display calculator.
After the astable multivibrator composed of IC1 and peripheral resistor-capacitor components oscillates, it outputs a modulated pulse signal from the ③ pin of IC1 to drive
the LEDI to emit modulated infrared light.
When the products to be counted pass through the infrared detection device. The modulated infrared light emitted by LED1 is reflected back by the product to be counted. VT1 receives
the reflected infrared light and converts it into an electrical signal. After the electrical signal is created, amplified and shaped by VT2~VT4 and related peripheral components,
a pulse signal is output from the collector of VI4. This pulse signal is detected and processed by the voltage doubler rectifier circuit and then charges Cll. When Ci. When the voltage at both ends reaches
8V, IC2 pin ③ outputs a low level, causing LED2 to light up. K is energized and closed, and the normally open contact of K (connected to both
ends of the equal sign key switch of the calculator) is connected. When a product to be counted passes and the next product to be counted has not arrived, the vri cannot receive the infrared light signal. Pins ② and ⑥ of IC2
return to the slug level, pin @ resumes outputting high level, and LED 2 goes out. K is released, and the normally open contact of K is disconnected.
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