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Full wave and bridge rectifier circuita

Source: InternetPublisher:elleny Keywords: Bridge rectifier circuit BSP transformer Updated: 2020/11/17

2. Full wave and<strong>Bridge rectifier circuit</strong>a.gif

The single-phase full-wave rectifier is composed of two single-phase half-wave circuits. The center tap of the secondary winding of the transformer divides U2
into two equal and opposite directions. . .
    Working principle: In the positive half cycle of the sinusoidal AC power supply,
VD1 is in forward conduction, VD2 is in reverse cut-off, and
the current passes through VD1 and load resistor Ri. Return to
the tap 0 point in the center of the transformer to form a loop, and the load gets half-wave rectified
voltage and current.
    In the same way, in the negative half cycle of the power supply, VD2 is turned on, VD1 is turned off, and the current flows back to the center pumping point Q of the transformer
through VD2 and RL , and the load Ri. obtains the half-wave voltage and current.     Repeat the above process later. It can be seen that the two diodes VD1 and VD2 of the full-wave rectifier circuit work in turns. The voltage and current transition shapes obtained on the load are as shown in the figure.




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