Home > Power Circuits > Laser power circuit

Laser power circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:蓝猫淘气 Keywords: Laser power circuit transistor filter Updated: 2020/11/09

40.<strong>Laser</strong><strong>Power supply circuit</strong>.gif

DC excitation power supply is the most commonly used power supply at present. The power supply circuit of the helium-neon laser used in laser printers is shown.
Tl is the power transformer and T2 is the high-voltage transformer. Its circuit composition mainly consists of a series transistor voltage stabilizing circuit. , composed of high-voltage rectification, filtering , current limiting
circuit and current stabilizing circuit. The working principle of the circuit is: after the AC voltage is rectified by the VD1-VD4 bridge and filtered by the capacitor Cl,
the DC voltage is output as the input voltage of the series transistor regulator . VT6.
VT7 is connected to the common emitter for push-pull output and is added to the primary winding of high-voltage transformer T2. The high voltage output by T2, ~ VD10-VD13
bridge rectifier, after wind T, C5 resistor and capacitor filter , then the DC high voltage is applied to the electrode of the laser tube through the series current limiting resistor, causing the lamp to glow
and ignite . As a current limiting circuit, the current-limiting resistor is mainly used to protect the power supply and laser discharge tube so that the discharge current after ignition will not be too large. The resistance value
is generally in the range of tens of kiloohms to hundreds of kiloohms, depending on the discharge tube. Depends on the parameters.




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