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MGCT02 I/Q TDMA/AMPS l900/900 MHz Dual-Band Dual-Mode Transmitter

Source: InternetPublisher:Lemontree Keywords: Transmitter Updated: 2024/09/24

MGCT02 is a transmitter designed for dual-band, dual-mode cellular 900 MHz/PCS l900 MHz mobile phones. It can be used in both TDMA/AMPS modes and is used as a transmit modulator and up-converter in TDMA/AMPS mobile phones. MGTC02 has baseband and mixed signal interface circuits that are compatible with products from Zarlink Semiconductor and other companies. 

The main technical features are as follows:

・RF frequency range is 750~2000 MHz; 

・Intermediate frequency range is 50~200 MHz: 

・I/Q quadrature modulation; 

・The power supply voltage is 4 V; 

・The operating current is 118~152 mA, the standby mode current is 8~10 mA, and the sleep mode current is 75uA; 

・The VHF oscillator frequency is divided by 4 and then output; 

・The amplifier has a variable gain of 90 dB and AGC temperature compensation; 

・On-chip active filter eliminates the need for external IF SAW filter.

MGCT02 I/Q TDMA/AMPS l900/900 MHz Dual-Band Dual-Mode Transmitter 

Typical application circuit of MGCT02




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