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Microchip SAM R34 edge device, do you know it?

Source: InternetPublisher:3228 Keywords: Mouser Edge Devices Updated: 2020/10/29

What is Microchip SAM R34 edge device? What does it do? January 18, 2019 – Mouser Electronics, a global authorized distributor of semiconductors and electronic components focused on introducing new products, will start stocking Microchip Technology’s SAM R34 LoRa from now on Sub-GHz system-in-package (SiP) family. The SAM R34 SiP family of devices integrates a 32-bit microcontroller, software protocol stack and sub-GHz LoRa® transceiver in a small 6 mm × 6 mm package. Its ultra-low power consumption makes it suitable for a variety of Internet of Things (IoT) applications. .

Microchip SAM R34 edge device, do you know it?

The Microchip SAM R34 LoRa sub-GHz SiP, available from Mouser, uses the Microchip SAM L21 microcontroller based on the 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M0 core, with up to 256 KB of flash memory and 40 KB of RAM. Its onboard UHF transceiver supports LoRa and FSK modulation, operates in the 137 MHz to 1020 MHz frequency range, and supports transmit power up to +20 dBm without external amplification. The SAM R34 series is powered by the Microchip LoRaWAN protocol stack and supports Class A and Class C end devices, as well as dedicated point-to-point connections.

The power consumption in SiP sleep mode is as low as 790 nA, which can reduce the power consumption of smart devices and extend battery life. The SAM R34 SiP has a USB interface, making it ideal for USB dongle applications or software updates via USB. This SiP is suitable for a variety of battery-powered and sensor-connected applications, including smart agriculture, smart city devices, and tracking devices for supply chain management.

Mouser also offers the SAM R34 Xplained Pro evaluation kit, which is powered by the Atmel Studio 7 integrated development platform and includes reference designs and software examples to facilitate engineers developing SAM R34-based LoRa end node applications. The kit is also Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Industry Canada (IC) and Radio Equipment Directive (RED) certified, ensuring that the design complies with individual country requirements. The above is the analysis of Microchip SAM R34 edge device, I hope it can help you.




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