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Legend-Stage Master 250W RMS Power Amplifier Circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:3228 Keywords: Power Amplifier Updated: 2024/06/21

This is a 250WRMS power amplifier circuit called Legend-StageMaster. This is an old version of Legend-StageMasterMK2. This circuit is based on power MOSFET and provides excellent output performance for indoor sound systems.

Over time, a more powerful version of the legend was needed, which could power the sound systems of gigs and house parties. This led to an improvement on this version, called StageMaster, which is basically not much different from the original. However, the output and reliability of the power supply necessitated a certain increase in excitation, as the output was distributed to two more pairs of MOSFETs, but with so many parallel connections, the total demand for excitation and other parameters increased FET through-hole capability is the basic version of VAS.


〉Output power: 250WRMS/8ohms

〉Frequency range: 12Hz-230KHz (-1dB) at 10WRMS

〉THD <0.12% (at 1kHz and 250W) 〉THD <0.01% (at 1kHz and 200W and below this power) 〉BIAS output about 50mA per pair

250WRMS Power Amplifier PCB Design and Layout

This is the PCB design and component placement for the Legend-StageMaster version of the 250RMS power amplifier. In the design, the MOSFETs are mounted on both the PCB and the heat sink. If it is difficult for you to mount a suitable heat sink on the PCB, you can separate the heat sink from the PCB, mount the MOSFET on the heat sink, and then use cables to connect the pins of the MOSFET to the PCB.




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