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Measuring circuit of single-phase electric energy meter a

Source: InternetPublisher:偷熊计划 Keywords: Single phase energy meter measuring circuit energy meter BSP Updated: 2021/06/04

8.<strong>Single-phase<strong>Energy meter</strong></strong><strong>Measurement circuit</strong>a.gif

The selection of the electric energy meter is determined based on the capacity of the selected electric energy meter and the size of the load in the circuit. If the capacity or current is selected too large, the electric energy meter
cannot rotate normally, which will affect the accuracy of the measurement results due to errors in the capacity or current. If the current selection is too small, there is a possibility of burning the electric energy meter
. Generally, the total wattage of the selected electric energy meter load should be 1.25 to 4 times the total wattage of the actual electricity consumption. For example: the total
power consumption of home lighting and household appliances is about 1100W, then multiplied by 1.5 times, it is
1100WXl. 5=1650W. It is advisable to choose an electric energy meter with a current capacity
of 10A.
    When choosing an electric energy meter, pay attention to whether the lead seal on the electric energy meter case
is damaged. Generally, electric energy meters must be
checked for accuracy before leaving the factory . After passing the inspection,
the detachable parts of the electric energy meter must be sealed. Users are not allowed to open the seals without permission. If
the lead seal is damaged, it must be rechecked by the relevant department before
use. There are two measurement methods for electric energy meters :




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