Home > Power Circuits > MEMS strobe driver circuit diagram

MEMS strobe driver circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:张七岁 Keywords: Power supply other power circuits Updated: 2020/07/26

According to the principle of stroboscopic imaging, in order to collect clear images of MEMS devices when they move at high speed, this article uses EL6249C as the driver chip to drive the high-brightness laser diode to emit light, and uses a function generator to generate a narrow pulse signal with the same frequency as the MEMS movement frequency. Use it as the control signal of EL6249C, and then set the appropriate external resistor to make the EL6249C output the appropriate current to drive the LED to emit the required strobe light. The picture shows the schematic diagram of the strobe lighting circuit designed by the author.



In this circuit, in order to ensure that the power supply voltage is stable at the required 5V, the author chose MAX8869, which can better improve the accuracy and stability of the entire circuit.




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