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How to turn on the power with LLC controller?

Source: InternetPublisher:桂花蒸 Keywords: llc controller power supply and other power circuits Updated: 2021/04/02

Global power consumption increases the need to produce more energy. But the question is how to meet this demand for more energy, and the answer lies in a very simple law of economics - supply and demand.

There are two options:

Increasing supply: Electricity manufacturing companies continue to produce more energy.

Reduced demand: Lowering the overall power consumption of the home means that each power electronic device in the home should consume less electricity.


Figure 1: Supply and demand curve

While increasing supply seems like a simple and easy solution, most countries prefer the second option: reducing demand, which in turn protects our natural resources and makes the planet greener. Several countries and several US states are introducing energy standards, such as Code of Conduct (CoC) Tier 2, US Department of Energy (DoE) Tier 6, and California Title 22.

However, this leads to another problem: how to control demand while the number of consumers increases? The solution to this problem is to design more efficient power supplies that can provide more energy while reducing waste. Power supply designers are certainly not at a loss as they are looking for those "magic" elements that can help improve power supply performance.

TI's latest inductor-inductor-capacitor (LLC) controller UCC256301 introduces a new patented control algorithm, hybrid hysteresis control, which allows your device to accelerate operation and achieve the industry's lowest no-load standby power consumption of 40mW. The controller's ultra-fast transient response allows the reduction of buck capacitance on the power supply by nearly 20%. You can minimize power losses by suppressing most of the AC ripple, thereby increasing the power supply's light load efficiency to over 90% at 10% load.

The LLC controller is introduced with a comprehensive toolkit that makes the design experience extremely simple, with reference designs available in several specifications:

24V, 480W (nominal), 720W (peak), reliable AC/DC industrial power supply reference design with energy efficiency higher than 93.5%




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