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Transistor symbol

Source: InternetPublisher:天天都吃好吃的 Keywords: Transistor analog circuit electronic production amplifier Updated: 2021/07/06

There are only two common symbols for transistors, NPN and PNP. NPN is the most commonly used. Occasionally there are composite tubes. Composite tubes can be made of two tubes with different polarities. The ones with the same polarity are also called Darlington tubes. The picture below is actually a Linton tube. Stop it.

Three-pin components also include single-junction transistors, double-base diodes, half-bridge diodes, field effect transistors, etc. The principle is different from the bipolar transistor in the picture below, so don’t get confused.

The early drawing symbols developed from the era of electronic tubes, with a circle outside. Later, with the development of integrated circuits, there were many transistors, so there was no need to draw extra circles.

The diagonal line with an arrow in the figure is the emitter, usually represented by e, the direction of the arrow is the direction of the current, the middle is the base, usually represented by b , and the other diagonal line is the collector, usually represented by c.

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