Home > Power Circuits > As the leader in 65W power supplies, XPG CR650 power supply has been launched

As the leader in 65W power supplies, XPG CR650 power supply has been launched

Source: InternetPublisher:傻阿乐 Keywords: power supply Updated: 2021/01/26

Good news, as the leader in 65W power supplies, the XPG CR650 power supply has been launched. As a high-end brand of ADATA, XPG's storage products are already widely known among the players, but XPG does not stop there. In fact, they It has entered many fields such as power supply, chassis, radiator and so on. Recently, XPG's power supply product CORE REACTOR series has been updated and the CR650 power supply has been launched. This power supply has passed the 80Plus gold certification. It not only enjoys a 10-year warranty service, but also passed the 5,000-meter altitude test and includes products insured by insurance companies. Liability.

As the leader in 65W power supplies, XPG CR650 power supply has been launched

XPG CR650 power supply is a standard ATX power supply with a length of only 14cm. It is based on active PFC+LLC resonance+synchronous rectification+DC to DC structure. It uses all Japanese capacitor materials and full module wire design, and has passed 80Plus gold certification. In addition, the power supply also has a variety of protection mechanisms, including OPP over-power protection, OCP over-current protection, OVP over-voltage protection, UVP low-voltage protection, OTP over-temperature protection, etc.

As the leader in 65W power supplies, XPG CR650 power supply has been launchedAs the leader in 65W power supplies, XPG CR650 power supply has been launchedAs the leader in 65W power supplies, XPG CR650 power supply has been launched




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