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Those classic analog circuits worth collecting

Source: InternetPublisher:elleny Keywords: Power supply other power circuits Updated: 2021/06/28


Those classic analog circuits worth collecting


switch cap CMFB

Only 4 capacitors and 6 switches realize CMFB, which is very simple and will hardly affect the OPAM itself such as output swing, gain and other specs. It is very efficient.


Those classic analog circuits worth collecting


Data Weighted Averaging

The basic idea is to quickly traverse each current element in the DAC to reduce the impact of current element mismatch on the ADC signal-to-noise ratio. It is very clever to achieve first order noise shaping of current element mismatch through just a few simple digital modules.


Those classic analog circuits worth collecting


Universal H-bridge circuit

The drive motor rotates forward and reverse, which is very easy to use and affordable. The cost of buying a driver chip is enough to build ten bridges by yourself. And it can be done with the most common triode on the market. If the power is slightly higher, just replace it with a MOS tube.


Those classic analog circuits worth collecting





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