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Use LC172 to make novel voice-controlled music lanterns

Source: InternetPublisher:难得正经 Keywords: Voice control music lanterns BSP Updated: 2021/05/13

54. Use LC172 to create novel <strong>voice-controlled</strong><strong>music lanterns</strong>.gif

The circuit of the voice-controlled music lantern is shown in Figure 2-116. The circuit is mainly made of an LC172 lighting control special integrated circuit.
    The 220V AC power is rectified by VD3~VD6 and regulated by VD2 to output about 12v DC voltage for the integrated block LC172.
The concave output terminals of LC172, namely pins II, 3, 5 and l3, output high level . The waveform is shown in Figure 2-117. This high level
is added to the gates of the thyristors VSI to VS4 through R5~R8, causing them to be turned on one after another, and the colorful light strings Hl, H2, H3, and H4 are lit
in sequence . When the output terminal outputs a low level, due to the alternating current When it crosses zero, the thyristor is turned off, and the colorful light strings H1 to H4 are extinguished in sequence.
There are four groups of colors. The light strings can light up and shine in cycles. As long as the light strings are properly arranged in the space, they can form a flowing or radiating
    R3, RP2 and C4 are
external resistor-capacitance components of the voltage-controlled oscillator inside the integrated block. Adjusting RI-2 can
change the oscillation frequency of the voltage-controlled oscillator vco,
thus changing the flow rate of the lantern. Microphone B
receives the environmental sound wave signal and
sends it to the input terminal FlN of the audio amplifier AF inside the integrated block via CI, R2 and RP1
, which is the 8th pin. The amplified signal is output from the 9th pin
through the C3 coupling to the input terminal VIN of the vco
. Pin 10, and is rectified by VD1 and converted into a DC level to control the oscillation frequency of vco. Therefore, the cycle
lighting rate of the colorful light string can be changed with the intensity of the sound wave field in the indoor environment, thereby achieving the purpose of sound control. Adjusting the potentiometer RPI can
change the gain of the amplifier AF in the integrated block (the gain can be changed between 20 and 35dB) to achieve the purpose of adjusting the voice control sensitivity




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