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Double button light switch circuit (8)

Source: InternetPublisher:念慈菴 Keywords: Switching circuit BSP integrated circuit Updated: 2020/10/27

98.Double-button light<strong>switch circuit</strong> (8).gif

It is a very interesting circuit. It is made using ordinary music doorbell chips and is very suitable for
electronic enthusiasts who like to hunt for novelties.
    The touch switch is composed of Kl)-93()0 music integrated circuit. Here, the intrinsic function of the music integrated circuit
is cleverly used , and the leakage current of the human body is used to control and trigger the bistable trigger inside the music integrated circuit.
We know that the music integrated circuit has extremely high input impedance. When the human hand touches the M1 "open" rice chip, the human
body leakage current is injected from R into the trigger terminal IRI of the music integrated circuit, causing the internal stable trigger to flip. This
The entire music integrated block of d and f shows low resistance, the diode VT1 is turned on, the relay K is energized and closed, its moving and closing contact
kl is closed, and the light F is energized and emits light. When you need to turn off the light, touch the M2 "off" electrode piece again, and the
leakage current will pass through R. Fengbazhile integrated block's V and; terminals force the bistable flip-flop inside the integrated block to
flip again. The entire music integrated block shows high resistance, and the transistor VT1 enters the cut-off state from the original conduction state, and
K loses power. Release, contact k1 jumps, and light E goes out. Diode VD2-vr) 5. Voltage regulator tube vs capacitor
(1z forms a capacitor step-down bridge rectification and voltage stabilizing circuit, which outputs about 6V DC for the entire circuit. It is best to use
    the music integrated circuit in the KD-9300 series Any number, VT1 requires the use of 001 type 3, etc.
Silicon NPN transistor, p≥100, c requires the use of (1BB-400V polyene capacitor, K can use JLZ
22F, DC6V small power electromagnetic relay, other components are special Require.




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