Ace op amp direct push bile duct power amplifier
Source: InternetPublisher:奥特man123 Keywords: Op amp power amplifier BSP power supply Updated: 2020/12/12
The power supply uses a low-power transformer, and the front stage and filament are powered by a 30W transformer. The main power supply is directly rectified and
filtered by the industrial frequency power supply to the bile duct, eliminating the need for a large transformer.
: Utilizing the characteristic that the output terminals of the op amp are ov on the positive and negative power supplies
and the gate of the bile duct can work statically at ov,
the circuit can adopt a direct coupling method, eliminating the need for high-voltage and high-quality coupling. capacitor, which also reduces the cost of the whole machine and
makes the circuit simpler.
The output transformer is a key component of this machine. The upper frequency limit of the output signal is limited by this component. It is recommended to use Jinniu brand
GOX5. 5-50, or you can make your own t data as shown in the diagram. Component selection must be both high-temperature and economical. The op amp is useless for
the high-priced LT series, and the op amp NE5532 is used .
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