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Homemade high-quality integrated amplifier 01

Source: InternetPublisher:MartinFowler Keywords: Amplifier switch BSP Updated: 2020/02/15

11. Homemade high-quality integrated <strong>power amplifier</strong>01.gif

SRS5250S series 2 8-pin SCP package. The signal-to-noise ratio is as high as 90dL/, and the distortion is less than 0. OS%, few peripheral components, easy
to manufacture. RP2 is the spatial sound field adjustment potentiometer, adjusting RP3 can change the weight of vocal dialogue, and SW3 is the mode
switch . Figure 10-16 is the working principle diagram. The signal source from the front stage is selected by SW1 and then goes to A ici. ici is a follower buffer
amplifier . Its output end is equipped with an attenuated tone network with extremely high fidelity. Its adjustment range Not less than 12dB. In order to reproduce
the original flavor of the music, the ici signal can skip the pass-through switch SW3 and go directly to IC 2. IC2 is a 20 times line amplifier to
further amplify the signal. Due to the use of today's best dual operational amplifier AD827 and reasonable circuit design, the preamplifier makes the treble area clear
and delicate, and the bass rich and powerful. After listening, the effect is better than the currently popular 2 5-segment fluorescent display equalizer 6 IC2 amplified
    SRS5250S series 2 8-pin SCP package. The signal-to-noise ratio is as high as 90dL/, and the distortion is less than 0. OS%, few peripheral components, easy
to manufacture. RP2 is the spatial sound field adjustment potentiometer, adjusting RP3 can change the weight of vocal dialogue, and SW3 is the mode switch
. Figure 10-16 is the working principle diagram. The signal source from the front stage is selected by SW1 and then goes to A ici. ici is a follower buffer
amplifier . Its output end is equipped with an attenuated tone network with extremely high fidelity. Its adjustment range Not less than 12dB. In order to reproduce
the original flavor of the music, the ici signal can skip the pass-through switch SW3 and go directly to IC2. IC2 is a 20 times line amplifier to
further amplify the signal. Due to the use of today's best dual operational amplifier AD827 and reasonable circuit design, the preamplifier makes the treble area clear
and delicate, and the bass rich and powerful. After listening to it, the effect is better than the currently popular 2 5-band fluorescent display equalizer 6 IC 2 amplified




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