Home > Audio/Video Circuits > STK4046, 4048 typical application circuit

STK4046, 4048 typical application circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:柯南道尔 Keywords: Application circuit ST BSP constant current source Updated: 2021/03/30

91.<strong>ST</strong>K4046, 4048 typical<strong>application circuit</strong>.gif

Rl l is the common emitter resistor of the output transistors VTll and VT13.
It is different from the common emitter resistor for each tube. This is Sanyo's
unique approach. o
    1 The output part of the 8-pin packaged STK4046Xl and
4048Xi adopts In addition to the dual-tube parallel output, its output connection method still adopts the conventional method
, that is, each tube emitter is connected to a resistor to balance the working
point of the tube. As shown in Figure 2-90. Its typical application circuit is shown in Figure 2-91.
    STK3048 is a voltage amplification thick film integrated circuit, and SI'K6153 is a current amplification thick film integrated circuit.
The combination of these two integrated circuits can form a complete power amplifier circuit, and the performance is very excellent. Its output power can reach low, harmonic distortion ≤0-008%,     and
frequency response 10 ratio ~ 100kHz
The heat sink
is connected to pin 8, but is insulated from the internal circuit. After pin 8 is grounded, it has a certain shielding effect on the internal circuit.
    The STK3048 is divided into two internal stages. The first stage is a differential input stage. There is a protection diode at the base of the differential input tube
. The differential input uses a constant current source and a mirror constant current source load, and there is resistor-capacitor series phase compensation between the collectors of the two differential tubes
to prevent transient distortion caused by sudden signals. The voltage amplification stage adopts a common-emitter and common-base amplifier circuit with excellent performance
, supplemented by a constant current source load, so that the circuit performance reaches a higher index.
    The ST K6153 is a 10-pin single-row plastic-encapsulated mono thick-walled integrated circuit. The internal circuit is insulated from the external heat sink. It internally
integrates a constant voltage source bias circuit, a complementary push stage and a composite complementary push-pull output circuit. The circuit has the excellent characteristics of high precision, high power
, low noise and high speed. Because the bias circuit is packaged with the output stage, its temperature is consistent and the circuit
is always in optimal working condition.




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