Gantry planer

Source: InternetPublisher:两手空空 Keywords: Machine tools BSP electric motors stepless speed regulation Updated: 2020/08/19

10. Gantry planer.gif


It is particularly suitable for processing large and long and narrow mechanical parts, such as machine tool beds, boxes, guide rails, etc.
    Taking the B20lOA gantry planer as an example, it requires 13 electric motors . Many movements such as the movement of the knife, the advancement, retraction, and lifting of the tool; the relaxation and clamping of the beam
, the rise and fall, and the stepping and retreating of the worktable are all completed by the organic cooperation of many motors and electrical components. Its main
drag system has higher requirements. It not only requires sufficient cutting power and a large speed adjustment range, but also needs to be able to realize automatic speed
cycle and adjustment as required. The appearance of the boring machine is shown in Figure 2-lOa.
    (1) The production process of Yuanmen planer has the following requirements for the electrical control system:
    1) A wide speed range is required. The speed adjustment range is required to be 20; 1 (including 1-speed mechanical speed change). The low speed range of each segment is 6~
60m/min, and the high speed speed range is 90m/min~90m/min to achieve electrical stepless speed adjustment .




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