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MF-500 multimeter circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:super_star Keywords: BSP multimeter instrument Updated: 2021/07/15

5.MF-500 multimeter<strong>circuit</strong>.gif

Shown is the actual circuit of the 500-type multimeter , which can be used as a reference when repairing the multimeter.
  Precautions for using a multimeter:
  1) Before use, first check the switch position to see if it is consistent with the physical quantity to be measured. Do not set the wrong position. For example, when measuring
a higher voltage, if you mistakenly place the switch on the current or resistance range, the instrument may be burned out .
    2) When measuring resistance, first select the required range, and then connect the two test leads together for a short circuit. At this time,
the pointer should point to zero. If it does not point to zero, turn the "Q' knob , make the pointer point to zero, and then measure the circuit. Every time you change the resistance range, you
should adjust the zero position first.
    3) When measuring resistance in a circuit, the power should be cut off. The capacitance in the measurement circuit should be short-circuited and discharged first. Measure again. The resistance limit should be selected
appropriately. Generally, when measuring the resistance value, it is easiest to read when the meter needle stops at the center of the scale on the meter head. When measuring a resistor with a higher resistance value,
do not touch it with your hands. Both ends of the resistor will form a parallel connection between the resistance being measured and the resistance of the human body, causing measurement inaccuracies.
    4) When measuring voltage or current, if it is difficult to estimate the voltage or current on the circuit under test, you should first set the range of the multimeter. Measure when reaching the maximum
, and then gradually change to smaller gears. When changing gears, keep the two pens away from the measuring body, and do not change the range while charging.
    5) When measuring DC voltage or DC current, it is also necessary to note that the measured The polarity is consistent with the positive and negative polarity of the instrument
. When measuring current, the multimeter should be connected in series in the circuit; when measuring voltage, the multimeter must be connected in parallel on the circuit .
    6) When measuring AC voltage, the waveform of the measured voltage must be considered. Multimeter Only suitable for measuring extreme values ​​of AC voltage.




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