Actual development and experience of the second phase
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Open the project in μVision v5: "BLELowPowerRToS", compile and generate: "BLELowPowerRToS.bin".
Use "STM32CubeProgrammer", unplug the battery first, press and hold the "ROOT" button, plug in the USB cable, and the "USB1" port appears in the "Port" display.
After connecting, open the file "BLELowPowerRToS.bin" and click "Download". The download is very convenient.
Disconnect and reconnect the battery. It can be connected to the phone.
Can display data curves.
Can also detect events: None, Orientation, Double Tap, Free Fall, Single Tap, Tilt, Wake Up.
I tried them one by one and the results were very good.
During Orientation detection, the changes its posture, and the phone screen displays the flat and flipped states.
During Double Tap detection, double-click the, and the phone screen displays the action with an animated image.
During Free Fall detection, release the onto the table, and the phone screen displays a warning with an animated image.
During Single Tap detection, single-click the, and the phone screen displays the action with an animated image.
During Tilt detection, stand the upright and the phone screen will display a warning with an exclamation mark animated image.
During Wake Up detection, shake the and the phone screen will show that it has been woken up with an animated image.
Later, I plan to try to see if it can be used to detect the movement status during plank exercises.