MSP430 CPU refers to the 16-bit CPU used in the MSP430F1xx series, with a data bus width of 16 bits, an address bus width of 16 bits, and a register of 16 bits. The addressing space is 216=64KB.
MSP430X CPU (abbreviated as CPUX) refers to the CPU used in the MSP430F2xx/4xx/5xx/6xx series, with a data bus width of 16 bits, an address bus width of 20 bits, and a register of 20 bits. The addressing space is 220=1MB. The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) of CPUX can also perform 20-bit calculations.
CPUX is backward compatible with MSP430 CPU
After fetching an instruction, the CPU automatically increments the PC according to the number of bytes in the instruction, so the value of the 20-bit PC (R0) always points to the next instruction to be executed. PC always points to an even address (bit0 = 0).
20-bit stack pointer, always points to an even address
[Function]: protect the current address and restore the current address.
First-in-last-out There
are two types of stacks:
(1) Upward growth, the bottom of the stack occupies the lower address, the top of the stack occupies the higher address: 8051
(2) Downward growth, the bottom of the stack occupies the higher address, the top of the stack occupies the lower address: MSP430, AVR
(3) ARM supports two types of stack growth.
The 16-bit status register (SR, also called R2) used as a source or destination register can only be used in register mode addressed by word instructions. The remaining combinations of addressing modes are used to support constant generators.
SCG1: System Clock Generator 1 This bit can be used to enable or disable functions in the clock system according to the device family; for example, DCO bias enable or disable.
SCG0: System Clock Generator 0 This bit can be used to enable or disable features in the clock system depending on the device family; for example, FLL (Frequency Locked Loop) is enabled or disabled.
OSCOFF: Oscillator Off. When this bit is set to 1, it turns off the LFXT1 crystal oscillator when the LFXT1 CLK is not used for MCLK or SMCLK.
CPUOFF: CPU Off. When this bit is set to 1, it turns off the CPU.
The CPUOFF, OSCOFF, SCGO, and SCG1 bits request that the system enter a low-power mode.
[Example]: Turn off and on the frequency locked loop (FLL)
__bis_SR_register(SCG0); // Disable the FLL control loop
UCSCTL0 = 0x0000; // Set lowest possible DCOx, MODx
UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_3; // Set RSELx for DCO = 4.9 MHz
UCSCTL2 = FLLD_1 + 74; // Set DCO Multiplier for 2.45MHz
// (FLL_N + 1) * FLLRef = FdcoCLKDIV
// (74 + 1) * 32768 = 2.45MHz
// Set FLL Div = fDCOCLK/2
__bic_SR_register(SCG0); // Enable the FLL control loop
//The __bis_SR_register() function sets the corresponding position in the SR register to 1.
//The __bic_SR_register() function sets the corresponding position in the SR register to 0.