Home > Power Circuits >Electronic Ballast > Electronic ballast comprehensive tester based on MSP430F133

Electronic ballast comprehensive tester based on MSP430F133

Source: InternetPublisher:狂妄火龙果 Updated: 2015/07/23

The principle of electronic ballast can be simplified to the circuit shown in Figure 1. The main indicators that affect the performance of electronic ballast are: preheating lamp voltage during the startup phase, preheating filament current and preheating time, and stable lamp voltage. , lamp current, filament current, oscillation frequency, input current, input power and power factor. To do this, a sensor must be placed to collect the lamp voltage, filament current, cathode circuit and oscillation frequency at the output end, and collect the power, current and power factor at the input end. Wait for the data, and then analyze and calculate the collected data to obtain various performance indicators of the electronic ballast. The embedded tester takes MSP430F133 as the core. MSP430F133 is a low-power 16-bit mixed-signal microcontroller produced by TI Company. The maximum processing capacity is 8MIPS. It has 8KB Flash memory and 256 bytes of RAM, 2 16-bit counters and 1 monitor. With a watchdog timer, a serial communication interface, and a 12-bit ADC module with a maximum conversion speed of 200ksps, the MSP430F133 microcontroller is very suitable for the design requirements of this tester and has a very high cost performance, such as its rich internal external features. Design resources can greatly simplify the hardware design of this tester.




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