1. Topology type: Zigbee has two topologies: a. Start b. Mesh.
Regarding Zigbee network topology, it is generally divided into two categories.
Category 1: Star, Tree, Mesh.
Category 2: Star, Mesh, Hybrid (Start and Mesh).
I personally prefer the second classification because the tree network belongs to the mesh network, which is a special mesh network.
2. Get Zigbee topology information
ZC sends mgmt-lqi-req (ClusterID=0x0031) to each ZR to obtain the neighbor nodes of the target node. The target node cannot be ZE. The command receiving node sends its own neighbor node list.
spec original text: The Mgmt_Lqi_req is generated from a Local Device wishing to obtain a neighbor list for the Remote Device along with associated LQI values to each neighbor.
LQI: Link Quality Indicator