The tree topology of the Zigbee wireless communication protocol includes Co-ordinator (zigbee module-coordinator) nodes, multiple Routers (zigbee module-router) and Enddevice (zigbee module-coordinator) nodes. Co-ordinator (zigbee module-coordinator) connects multiple Routers (zigbee module routers) and Endbeevice (zigbee module coordinator), and connects multiple Routers (zigbee module routers) and Enddevice (zigbee module routers). Zigbee can also connect multiple Routers (zigbee module routers) and Enddevice (zigbee). In this way, multiple levels are superimposed to form a tree network.
The tree topology of Zigbee transmission protocol technology is shown in the figure:
What you need to pay attention to in Zigbee module wireless communication :
Co-ordinator nodes and Router nodes can have multiple connected child nodes.
However, the End Device (zigbee terminal) node can no longer connect to other child nodes.
Nodes with the same parent node (zigbee module coordinator or router) can be called brother nodes.
Nodes with the same grandparent node (zigbee coordinator or router) can be called cousin nodes.
Communication rules in Zigbee communication protocol technology tree topology :
Each routing node can only communicate between its parent node and child nodes.
If data needs to be sent between nodes, the information is routed up the tree to the nearest ancestor node and then down to the destination node.
The disadvantages of tree topology are: there is only one routing channel with information and only one routing channel. In addition, the transmission routing of information is handled by the protocol stack layer, and the entire communication routing process is relatively transparent to the application layer.