ETU Configuration for CPU Card Programming[Copy link]
1. Data bit width time (ETU) calculation program As mentioned earlier, data bit width is a very important part of CPU card program design, which involves the reliability and stability of data reading and writing. The following program is a data bit width calculation program based on MSP430 MCU C language in IAR environment. /*************************************** Function name: Delay1XETU Function function: Delay the time of N data bit widths Input parameter: iDelay Output parameter: None Description: The data bit width of the CPU card = 372/f, where f is the clock frequency when processing the CPU card. That is, the delay is 372 clock cycles, f=2MHz. ***********************************/ void Delay1XETU(unsigned int iDelay) { int itemp; for(itemp=0;itemp" backcolor]="" color][="" delay05xetu(void)[="" delay1etu(void)[="" div="" icounter;[="" size][="">