NXP FRDM-KW019032 is a development board for the MKW01Z128CHN platform and a member of the Kinetis ® W series MCUs in the SubGHz ISM band.
The NXP MRB-KW0x is a modular reference board for MKW01Z128CHN platform, part of the Kinetis W series of MCUs.
FRDM-KW40Z is a development platform for KW40Z/30Z/20Z Kinetis ® W MCU, supporting Bluetooth Low Energy and IEEE ® 802.15.4 for portable healthcare, wearable sports fitness and home automation devices.
FRDM-KW41Z Development Kit for KW41Z/31Z/21Z MCUs features Cortex-M0+ and 2.4 GHz radio, compliant with Bluetooth Smart/Low Energy (BLE) v4.2 and IEEE 802.15.4 protocols
NXP's OM2385/SF001 development kit for SIGFOX applications, including OL2385 and Kinetis KL43 series MCUs for host applications
Bluetooth ® Low Energy-NFC-v2.0 is an NFC expansion board for QN9020DK and an extensible QN9020 application development platform. This NFC expansion board is based on CLRC663+, a high-performance multi-protocol NFC front-end.
FRDM-KW36 is a development kit for the KW35/36 MCU that provides connectivity for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) v5. KW36 integrates CAN/CAN-FD connection.
QN9080SIP-DK is a development kit supported by the QN9080-001-M17 module, supporting Bluetooth 5 and NFC.
NXH3670ADK development kit
This user manual describes the different user configurations of the NxH3670 SDK board.
Highly Scalable QN Wireless MCU Application Development Platform This development kit is enabled by the QN9090T which supports Bluetooth 5 and NFC.