Many netizens asked about OAD over-the-air upgrades, so I specially shared the following solution with you. I suggest you refer to it when you encounter problems with OAD.
CC2640 supports two OAD modes, on-chip 128K OAD and off-chip OAD.
On-chip OAD is suitable for beacon applications because its application is relatively small.
If it is a bracelet or other type of application, it is recommended to use an off-chip OAD.
Hardware environment: CC2640 sensortag.
If you use the CC2640 sensortag program, C:\ti\simplelink\ble_cc26xx_2_01_01_44627\Projects\ble\SensorTag\CC26xx\IAR
Just open the SensorTag.eww project.
It is divided into three programs: BIM, APPLICATION, and STACK.
The BIM program is located in:
You can use SEGGER's tool to combine the hex files of the three projects BIM, APPLICATION, and STACK into one hex file.
If you want to use simple peripheral engineering to do OAD on sensortag hardware, please pay attention to the following two points;
Open BIM file, FlashOnly BIM project.
Open the SimpleBLEPeripheral project and compile the Flashonly_OAD_ST_ExtFlash project.
Then combine the three generated hex values together.
OAD work is done!
The reason why these two projects are discussed separately and not mixed together is because the location where BIM jumps to the application project is different. So the Flashonly_OAD_ST_ExtFlash program of your sensortag project OADSimpleBLEPeripheral has been updated, but it is running!